Sworn English translation

Official translate

Make sure you have a Certified English Sworn Translation in your hands.

At Eikatrad we focus on giving the customer the best service at competitive prices. Our translations are endorsed by certification from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (MAEC). Therefore, our translations are legally valid for our governing bodies.

We are a team that works to high standards of quality, speed and security, and we guarantee the confidentiality and validity of the translated documents.

Find out about the steps for requesting a sworn translation:

Find out when a sworn translator in English is needed

Sworn translations in English are required each time a document must be provided to a public body, as required by the authorities, so that foreign documents have the official validity required within Spain.

Important: You should always keep in mind that Spain is a signatory country of the Hague Convention, so the document to be translated in English must be previously apostillised with the Hague stamp. This stamp can be obtained at the consulate of the country of origin in Spain or at the Chamber of Notaries of the country of origin.

To learn more details about the process to obtain the Hague stamp. Click on the following link: http://www.exteriores.gob.es/Portal/es/ServiciosAlCiudadano/SiEstasEnElExtranjero/Documents/ConveniodelaHaya.pdf

Find out about the most requested documents for sworn translation in English:

There is a wide variety of legal documents that need a sworn translation from English to Spanish, but there is a list of the most frequent ones, and it is important to consider what they are, so as not to dismiss any of them. Some of them are:


Is a sworn translation in English very expensive?

It is not an expensive service, although it will depend on the number of words or pages contained in the document to be translated. The important thing is that the sworn translation is translated by professionals certified in sworn translations, that the prices are fair according to the quantity and type of document, and that the delivery time is reasonable.

To make a quote for the service, a word count is carried out and the volume of documents, repetitions, etc. are reviewed. The budget is without obligation, does not incur any extra cost and is sent as soon as possible. At Eikatrad we advise our customers regarding any queries they may have related to the service.

In which cities in Spain does Eikatrad operate for the sworn English translation service?

Delivery times depend mainly on the quantity and types of documents that the customer has sent for translation. It is always about the deadlines being as tight as possible, understanding the urgency and the importance of the work we do.


In which cities in Spain does Eikatrad apply for the sworn translation service in English?

The service is carried out at national level, since the procedures for a sworn translation in English in Madrid are the same as for Barcelona, Seville, Malaga, Valencia, Zaragoza, etc. No matter where in the country our customers are, at Eikatrad we respond efficiently with the sworn English translation that is needed.

Think no more! And ask for your budget now!

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